Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer evenings...

Summer is so lovely. Long evenings, bees buzzing, butterflies flitting. 

Especially when one of your many gardens looks like this. Friends invited us for "foursies," as she calls it: drinks and nibbles at four p.m.

Before we hit the road, a quick photo on the new refurbished deck, built round an old tree in their yard.
I'm taking this memory with me into the heart of January when it's dark at 4 p.m. and -30C.


  1. I love summer!!!!!
    here is winter now!
    Have a delicious week and a wonderful Monday!

  2. The globe thistles look great with the echinacea.
    Nothing better than summer get-togethers with friends.

  3. Love the echinacea! You all look great in the group photo. Try to stay cool this week!
