Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A face only a mother could love...

 Look what appeared on the back of my Adirondack chair this evening. A grey tree frog, resting.

I tried to get a view of his little face. He didn't seem to mind me getting close. Last year I had one hang around on the log house for a few days. Great camouflage on a grey log but not as successful on the back of the chair. 


  1. What an interesting looking frog! Great he stayed around so you could get a photo.

  2. I've never seen a frog like that. My mother and I discovered a green tree frog on one of their windows many years ago. I didn't even know they had tree frogs there.

  3. What an amazing looking creature....:)

  4. I like the way he has tucked his little feet in.
