Sunday, April 26, 2015

Goodbye big, beautiful barn

 My big old barn has to be torn down.

 It's bowing out at one and and leaning on my house!

 I've had several people come in to look at it and it's unfixable...

 The roof is in great shape and has kept our cord wood, which we've stored here, completely dry.

 But it's starting to lean badly and lifting off the ground on one side.

 And it's built very close to the house. Actually, the house was built very close to the barn!

 Lovely wood has aged well.

 Here's where it's lifting off the ground.

 All the metal hinges were made my hand by the blacksmith who originally owned the property.

 Love the hanging baler twine. It's been here 50+ years.

Just one of the wheelbarrow loads pulled out of the barn. I hope to build a small woodshed and hang some of the metal bits on its walls as a memory of the dear old barn.


  1. you wouldn't believe how we fixed the barn our property, we used a come along and a tractor to push it up; then one post at a time we replaced and sistered to the upper part, set in concrete footings, it took all summer as each pier had to set up before moving on to the next one. so sad to that barn demolished. There is ton of things you can do with the old barn wood, folks pay dearly for it and make furniture and do crafts with the wood.

  2. Are you going to keep some of the beautiful wood and use it? it would make some real nice furniture.

  3. So sad. What a beautiful building, and it must be full of memories. If it could only talk, the stories it could tell.

  4. I'm sorry your barn has to go. A lot of the old barns are falling over or being taken down. I guess a hundred years is about their lifespan.

  5. I'm sorry your barn has to go. A lot of the old barns are falling over or being taken down. I guess a hundred years is about their lifespan.
