Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cat checkup time

Time for their annual needles, all three cats got checkups last week. Oreo gained a few ounces but otherwise is in tiptop shape.

It's kitty Weight Watchers for Cookie. Too much kibble saw her gain a pound. I'm doling it out more carefully now in hopes next years' checkup will see her back to fighting weight.

Nutmeg, who is 16 this year, lost 3/4 of a lb. and is doing really well. She's a bit arthritic but I knew she had lost a bit of weight because her limp is not as pronounced. Onward and upward!


  1. Your cats look great. Glad everything went well at the vet's.

  2. Good that they are all doing well. Annie is the one here with food issues.
