Monday, April 27, 2015

Beaver emoticon cake

My friend Scott emailed me this beaver emoticon and asked me to make a cake based on it. You see, he and his girlfriend Ailen text message a lot and Ailen, who is originally from the Philippines, really gets a kick out of it. She's never seen a beaver before.

So here's my cake based on the beaver emoticon. Kinda fun, eh? It's even sporting flags in each hand: one from Canada and the other from the Philippines.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Goodbye big, beautiful barn

 My big old barn has to be torn down.

 It's bowing out at one and and leaning on my house!

 I've had several people come in to look at it and it's unfixable...

 The roof is in great shape and has kept our cord wood, which we've stored here, completely dry.

 But it's starting to lean badly and lifting off the ground on one side.

 And it's built very close to the house. Actually, the house was built very close to the barn!

 Lovely wood has aged well.

 Here's where it's lifting off the ground.

 All the metal hinges were made my hand by the blacksmith who originally owned the property.

 Love the hanging baler twine. It's been here 50+ years.

Just one of the wheelbarrow loads pulled out of the barn. I hope to build a small woodshed and hang some of the metal bits on its walls as a memory of the dear old barn.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cat checkup time

Time for their annual needles, all three cats got checkups last week. Oreo gained a few ounces but otherwise is in tiptop shape.

It's kitty Weight Watchers for Cookie. Too much kibble saw her gain a pound. I'm doling it out more carefully now in hopes next years' checkup will see her back to fighting weight.

Nutmeg, who is 16 this year, lost 3/4 of a lb. and is doing really well. She's a bit arthritic but I knew she had lost a bit of weight because her limp is not as pronounced. Onward and upward!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Chocolate peppermint patty cake

I have a potluck supper to attend tonight and I thought I'd experiment. I made a triple layer chocolate cake and into the batter I added chopped up Andes mint chocolates I bought in the States. I covered that with mint buttercream that I tinted pale green. And just to make it totally over the top, I made a bit of chocolate ganache with semi-sweet chocolate and poured it over the top. Always fun to try new recipes and combinations of flavours.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Polka dot birthday

I made this cake for a friend's daughter who turned Sweet 16 over the weekend. Apparently, she's crazy for polka dots.

Monday, April 6, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like...

 We have had a few warm days in the double digits (Celsius) but we're back to very cold nights and just sorta coolish days. 

The poor day lilies are trying their darnedest to get outta the ground.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Woodland cupcakes

I'm invited to lunch and am bringing dessert. What better than cupcakes to celebrate spring. Edible moss, chocolate pebbles, fondant fiddleheads and mushrooms. Bring on the warm weather.