Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thistle and Shamrock Cake

This thistle and shamrock cake -- the national symbols of Scotland and Ireland -- is for a lovely couple celebrating their 60th anniversary today. Congratulations to them both!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's It Worth? Day

 Last Sunday, the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan held its What's it Worth? Day.

 Besides appraisals, there were very cool displays. This one a model of a schoolhouse that sported a removable roof.

 My friend Sigrun was there selling a few of her antiques and collectibles.

 I was there but only as a collector, showing my favourite jadite pieces.

 The gal beside me is president of the local quilting guild and she showed off some antique pieces and some more modern ones as well.

 At the silent auction, I bid a few times on this picnic case from the 1950s. Alas, I didn't get it...but it sure is a cutie!

 This beautiful glass was also offered up at the silent auction. It's value was posted as $1,200 with a minimum bid of $500. Apparently it is quite unusual!

 There were several assessors, each with a different specialty.

 For $5 an item, it seemed pretty reasonable to see if your knick-knack was valuable.

 The dealers were pretty busy all day.

 These people brought in a giant bellows, assessed at $500. You don't see one of those every day!

 There was also a parade of antique cars like Model Ts but I especially liked the AMC Pacer wagon. I drove to Florida with a friend in a car just like this in the '70s.
Hers was white with denim seats!

A friend of mine brought this in to be assessed. Although the condition isn't that great,
the antique expert said that many people, including Oprah Winfrey,
collect Black Americana and a collector like that might just be interested
in purchasing something as unusual as this container.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Maple Leaf Goodbye

The Swiss family the Buchards, known as "Les Bubus," have been here in Canada for a year on an exchange program and are now on their way back home. This cake was for their farewell party. I tried to show a year's journey in Canada through aging maple leaves. Kinda works, eh?

Friday, July 19, 2013

NOT an emerald ash borer

There is much talk about the emerald ash borer and how it is destroying the ash trees across the land. I keep looking for them because I have a wonderful old ash at the front of the house. When I spied this creature, who looks more green in real life, I was really concerned. Turns out it's a harmless six spotted tiger beetle. Beautiful looking bug that isn't going to eat my ash trees. Phew!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Baby wren

I put this wren box up last year and this year the wrens nested in it, instead of the other bird houses I have around the place. This little one isn't so sure he wants to leave!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Feelin' hot hot hot!

 Okay, so it's summer and it's hot. The little town of Alexandria, Ontario posted this reminder of what the temps were today.

Instant translation for our American friends. Bilingually? HOT!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Well-travelled wedding cake

I made this cake for a lovely couple who have been having a long distance, overseas relationship for the past five years. What better way to express their love than with a cake that looks like a suitcase, plastered with stickers of all the places they've been together. Best of luck Tijana and Booker!
(BTW, everything on the cake is edible! Fondant straps and handle, gum paste buckles with edible gold paint and stickers printed with edible ink.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I plant pansies in these three flower boxes every year. They sit on top of the short rail fence in front of my house. They always make me smile.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Barn Swallows

When we first came out to the country in the '70s, we had tons of barn swallows swooping about the yard. I haven't seen any here for years. But just down the road at my neighbour Bonnie's house she has several nests on the go. These three little darlings were just ready to take their first flight and swoop with the rest of 'em.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sour Cherry Time

 Summertime and...it's sour cherry time!

 The living ain't easy cuz it's time to pick!

 My neighbour's tree was overflowing and
we were happy take some cherries off her hands.

 All in all we picked 8 and a half pounds of glorious sweet/sourness.

 I made three pies and froze enough additional cherries for another creation later this year...to be determined.

Totally yum-o!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Love a Parade II

 The horse and buggy parade in Vankleek Hill is an annual event.

 Every year we head down there and enjoy seeing these magnificent beasts.

 I love these elegant critters...

 ...as well as all the work horses!

All in all, another lovely summer day and terrific parade.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Black and White and...

Goodness gracious. I had seen mama skunk under the old house on the property and figured she had a family...

Yesterday I had a chance to see them on parade. I nearly bumped into them, ran and grabbed my camera and snapped a pic or two just before they all headed into the bush.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I Love a Parade

 My little town feted Canada's 146th birthday with a small town parade.
Here's our town council throwing out candy.

 I see this fellow quite often driving in town. I like how he was his own float.

 Lots of old vehicles on display...

 The parade really drew quite a crowd!

 I love this guy's headgear made of a coloured broom to look like a gladiator!

 The John Deere tractor is definitely de rigueur!

 And... lots of lovely horses...

 Just loved this man and  his horse and dog.
Small town parades are so much darn fun!