Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sour Cherry Time

 Summertime's sour cherry time!

 The living ain't easy cuz it's time to pick!

 My neighbour's tree was overflowing and
we were happy take some cherries off her hands.

 All in all we picked 8 and a half pounds of glorious sweet/sourness.

 I made three pies and froze enough additional cherries for another creation later this be determined.

Totally yum-o!


  1. What a fabulous year we are having for fruit! The pie looks glorious!

  2. Oh my goodness, that looks good. Just like my granny's years back. The strawberries are so good this year, too. I can't stop eating them. How's the man doing tonight and I don't mean Richard. (although, I do hope all is well with him :) One thing I do know...he is full of cherry pie.
