Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's It Worth? Day

 Last Sunday, the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan held its What's it Worth? Day.

 Besides appraisals, there were very cool displays. This one a model of a schoolhouse that sported a removable roof.

 My friend Sigrun was there selling a few of her antiques and collectibles.

 I was there but only as a collector, showing my favourite jadite pieces.

 The gal beside me is president of the local quilting guild and she showed off some antique pieces and some more modern ones as well.

 At the silent auction, I bid a few times on this picnic case from the 1950s. Alas, I didn't get it...but it sure is a cutie!

 This beautiful glass was also offered up at the silent auction. It's value was posted as $1,200 with a minimum bid of $500. Apparently it is quite unusual!

 There were several assessors, each with a different specialty.

 For $5 an item, it seemed pretty reasonable to see if your knick-knack was valuable.

 The dealers were pretty busy all day.

 These people brought in a giant bellows, assessed at $500. You don't see one of those every day!

 There was also a parade of antique cars like Model Ts but I especially liked the AMC Pacer wagon. I drove to Florida with a friend in a car just like this in the '70s.
Hers was white with denim seats!

A friend of mine brought this in to be assessed. Although the condition isn't that great,
the antique expert said that many people, including Oprah Winfrey,
collect Black Americana and a collector like that might just be interested
in purchasing something as unusual as this container.


  1. I couldn't see the 1950's picnic basket without picturing Jennifer with it. Looks like people brought some interesting stuff.

  2. THere's some pretty cool stuff there! Love your jadite collection.
