Tuesday, April 30, 2013


These delicate flowers seem to be absolutely everywhere. Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) are usually the first plant in spring to bloom...a few weeks before the dandelion, but are often mistaken for them.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

5th Annual Picnic in the Woods

 Today it was 20+ C so we decided it was time for our annual picnic in the woods.
Especially since this is likely the last time we can get back into the woods this year and there are virtually no bugs.

 This time I brought homemade hot ginger squash soup out back from a thermos.
We also had a hot baguette, cheddar and some olives.

 The picnic table has less and less leg room as it sinks into the ground. Next year? 
A new table!

Richard and I also had a hot cuppa tea from yet another thermos in my collection.

To celebrate the season, we decided to drink a bottle of champagne.

Nothin' but the best...

And yes, we also schlepped out champagne flutes into the bush.

 Ahhhhh. Bliss!

 Love this shot!

 For dessert, I also served a dark chocolate Lindt bar. Perfect picnic I'd say.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Dandelion time

I just love dandelions. I know many people see them as weeds but they remind me of being a little kid and bringing my mother a big bouquet of them. She always carefully placed them in a glass of water and put them on the table. Real harbingers of spring.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring has finally sprung

...and my lawn is scattered with crocuses.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Blind Date, sort of...

 Natalie and I had been chatting online with fellow blogger Deb  for a few years now, I think, and we decided it was time to meet her. She loves cats as much as Nat and I do...in fact, Deb is a professional cat sitter! Here we are having tea in her home.

Then we hit the streets and Deb showed us the sights of Carleton Place. Here's Nat taking a photo of the mighty Mississippi River.

 We were so lucky to have a sunny albeit windy day.
 Our first really nice sunny day of spring so far.

 Deb took us to one of her favourite local haunts, a fish and chip joint.


 We all enjoyed the healthy salad (with fabulous curried house dressing)...

... before eating the fabulous the fish and chips.

 Then we decided that we might as well check out Almonte too, just a few km down the road. The Mississippi is just crazy fast here!

 Did you know that basketball was invented by James Naismith who was from Almonte? 
His likeness sits in the centre of the town.

At a local bookstore, the children's section had a cat chair. I loved it!

 Nat took this pic of Deb and me at the mighty Mississippi.

A good time was had by all. It was like we had known each other all our lives. 
Can't wait to meet up again!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

M&Ms cake

This is a version of an M&Ms cake that I saw on Pinterest a while back and thought I'd give it a try. Three sizes of M&Ms (peanut, plain and mini) that I bought at the Bulk Barn on a chocolate iced cake. Was fun, easy and looks great.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The End of the Snow...Finally

Last weekend was probably the last time we'll be able to play in the snow. And drag out wood on the toboggan.

 It's also the best time to spot the baby spruce I planted last spring.

 Planted when we suffered a major drought and high heat, I feared not many of the two dozen seedlings I planted would actually make it through the year.

But they did! Most were buried all winter in our tons of snow and only in the last week or so did they appear.

As soon as the snow is gone, and I expect by this weekend for it to be history, they'll be harder to spot. Lucky I marked them all with bright orange tape!

Monday, April 15, 2013


I've been feeding this red tabby barn cat all winter. He's extemely shy and most of the time all I saw was footprints...and an empty food bowl.

Yesterday was the first time he meowed back to me when I called out to him. He's still really shy but I can still talk to him from my back door and he'll keep eating. Once I move a little closer, however, he's gone!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Photographing Food

 A while ago I started playing with Instagram on my iPad. It has a way of making photographs look like they were professionally shot at a studio. Last night's salmon (with lemon and capers), Israeli couscous and broccoli look really cool, especially using the short depth of field feature.

These yummy things? I whipped up a batch of lemon polenta cookies with a glaze, having seen the recipe in last week's newspaper. Love how they look in this photo. They tasted even better!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wild Turkeys in the Straw

These wild behemoths seem to be everywhere these days here in the countryside. I spotted this group running across a field and into the woods.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bridal Shower Cookies

I think I might be getting too old for this gig! I just love these cookies but by the time I finished decorating them, I had to sit down with a heating pad on my back. In the end though, I'm very proud of them and hope that the bride-to-be loves them and has a fabulous wedding shower with her bridesmaids, who, by the way, are wearing pale pink.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Great Gray Owl

 Every 4-5 years, the great gray owls head down this way in search of food, when it gets scarce up north. I saw one about 5 years ago from a distance but never managed to get up close and personal with one. Until yesterday.

We were driving on a side road, on our way home from feeding a neighbour's cat when Richard yelled, "Owl!" We pulled over and walked over to the owl. He was only about 10 ft. up in a tree, overlooking a field. We both snapped away but gave him his space and tried not to get too close. Then we walked back to the car and drove off. 
What a lucky, wonderful happenstance!