Friday, April 19, 2013

Blind Date, sort of...

 Natalie and I had been chatting online with fellow blogger Deb  for a few years now, I think, and we decided it was time to meet her. She loves cats as much as Nat and I fact, Deb is a professional cat sitter! Here we are having tea in her home.

Then we hit the streets and Deb showed us the sights of Carleton Place. Here's Nat taking a photo of the mighty Mississippi River.

 We were so lucky to have a sunny albeit windy day.
 Our first really nice sunny day of spring so far.

 Deb took us to one of her favourite local haunts, a fish and chip joint.


 We all enjoyed the healthy salad (with fabulous curried house dressing)...

... before eating the fabulous the fish and chips.

 Then we decided that we might as well check out Almonte too, just a few km down the road. The Mississippi is just crazy fast here!

 Did you know that basketball was invented by James Naismith who was from Almonte? 
His likeness sits in the centre of the town.

At a local bookstore, the children's section had a cat chair. I loved it!

 Nat took this pic of Deb and me at the mighty Mississippi.

A good time was had by all. It was like we had known each other all our lives. 
Can't wait to meet up again!


  1. Oh dear, now you have me wanting fish and chips again. Great photos, Ronna. I'm so glad you enjoyed the visit. I sure did love having you come for a visit. I'll say it again..."Come back, anytime. Tea is on... and Annie is looking for you.

  2. What fun! It still amazes me how the internet creates all these connections for people who would probably never have the opportunity to meet otherwise. We're so lucky to live in this day and age.

  3. Nice food photography! Makes me hungry again. And I never even noticed that cute chair in the bookstore. :)
