Sunday, April 28, 2013

5th Annual Picnic in the Woods

 Today it was 20+ C so we decided it was time for our annual picnic in the woods.
Especially since this is likely the last time we can get back into the woods this year and there are virtually no bugs.

 This time I brought homemade hot ginger squash soup out back from a thermos.
We also had a hot baguette, cheddar and some olives.

 The picnic table has less and less leg room as it sinks into the ground. Next year? 
A new table!

Richard and I also had a hot cuppa tea from yet another thermos in my collection.

To celebrate the season, we decided to drink a bottle of champagne.

Nothin' but the best...

And yes, we also schlepped out champagne flutes into the bush.

 Ahhhhh. Bliss!

 Love this shot!

 For dessert, I also served a dark chocolate Lindt bar. Perfect picnic I'd say.


  1. I'll bet the walk back was a lot of fun. :) Your soup sounds great and we may need to have the recipe.
