Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sock Monkey Cake

Friends Gordon and Natalie celebrate birthdays a few weeks apart and I figured a pair of sock monkeys sitting on a sofa would be a perfect cake for them. Gordon is the sock money with the beard. Nat is the one with the crossed ankles. And the afghan over the back of the sofa is a nod to Nat's dab hand at knitting. Happy birthday to them both!


  1. Incredible. You have magic hands, Ronna. Are the monkeys cake, too? This is the cutest thing ever.

  2. Every time you make a cake, you outdo yourself. This is one of the best I've seen - but maybe it is just because I love sock monkeys. Fabulous! And a great cake for Gordon and Natalie!

  3. I love sock monkeys too! I hope Sarah is reading this post. *nudge nudge* :) Amazing as ever, Ronna!

  4. I want the sock monkey cake too!
