Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winter Walk

 Richard and I went for a snowshoe adventure on the weekend.

 There were tracks everywhere! The woods are a busy place when you're not looking.

 There was a beautiful bright blue sky and lots of sun.

 We saw a pileated woodpecker busy at this tree just moments before I took this.

 Great light. Great shadows. Great lines! Get out your pencils, Ronna!

 I love this two intertwined vines.

 Richard way ahead, making a trail.

 It got pretty warm out there in the sunshine.

 Richard balanced a stick on his head!

 Summer residence might need a bit sprucing up.

 Love the light coming from between the cedar woods.

 Gotta draw this.

The old butternut is still standing! I had a butternut expert out to see it a while ago and she said it was about 100 years old and not dying of canker but just old age.


  1. A perfect winter day - so clean, and fresh, and lots of interesting things to look at.
