Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve, Southern Style

 This year I hosted a New Year's Even dinner which had a Southern theme. Living in cold Canada and having tons of snow this year, I thought i'd be a way to warm up and bring in the new year in style.

We started with mint juleps (with Jack Daniels, natch)

 Then we attempted fried okra. Here it is soaking in buttermilk.

 Here's how it turned out. Really yummy.

 I made shrimp and grits. Definitely a keeper!

 A friend brought twice baked ribs. Yum-o!

Another friend brought buttermilk coleslaw and sweet potatoes. I also made cornbread, black-eyed peas and green bean casserole plus a pitcher of sweet tea.

 And for dessert? Lemon meringue pie...

Upside down pecan-apple pie...

...and banana pudding, natch!

Happy New Year, ya'll. Hope 2013 treats you right and you're healthy, wealthy and happy. Cheers!


  1. Wow! I should not have looked at these pics just before lunch! What a feast - and what a great way to celebrate the beginning of the New Year.

  2. OMG it was all so FRICKING GOOD!!!

  3. Wish you Happy new year to you and your family ...Good recipe...Keep posting..

  4. I am drooling! Looks delicious.
