Thursday, January 3, 2013

Flower Basket Cake

 I made a cake for a friend whose Mum had a birthday just after Christmas. 
She decided to celebrate! (The only place where I could get even lighting was in my outdoor, sadly, full of snow!)

Cheryl's an avid gardener so I made every flower I could think of and placed them in a buttercream basket weave. Cheryl loved it.


  1. That is so pretty, and the flowers look so natural.

  2. Very pretty cake and it's great to see flowers *peeking* out of the snow :)

  3. What a perfect cake for a gardener. And a great idea for this time of year, when it is so cold and we all crave the sight of flowers.

  4. Very pretty cake and it's great to see flowers *peeking* out of the snow..

  5. What a perfect cake for a gardener.That is so pretty, and the flowers look so natural.

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