Thursday, December 6, 2012

Step-by-Step Melting Snowmen Cookies

 Kicking around the Internet, I found cookies that looked like melting snowmen. The amazingly creative Meaghan Mountford who invented it has a blog called
The Decorated Cookie.
Here's the link to her Mr. Melty snowman cookie:

Then I found another site that claims to be the originator of this cookie using a marshmallow at Truly Custom Cakery:
Thanks to them for the inspiration!

Okay, so I have a cookie exchange this weekend and thought these cookies would be the perfect thing to make. But since I need to bring six dozen cookies with me, I decided to make them smaller than the ones I've seen on the web, and use mini-marshmallows.

I baked a bunch of sugar cookies, sort of oval, but not really necessarily oval. Just imperfectly shaped cookies, about 2" x 3" (or smaller). You can use any standard sugar cookie recipe. I pulled one off the Internet.

 I made some royal icing (another Internet recipe) and made it kinda runny and spread  it around...

 ...trying to keep it a bit messy to look like it's melted.

 Then I squished a mini-marshmallow between my fingers and stuck it into the wet icing.

 I had saved some of the royal icing and didn't water it down, then tinted it black with food colouring so that I could faces, buttons and stick arms. I especially like the "Oh no, Mr. Bill!" faces

I also added orange noses (I tinted some leftover royal icing orange) to look kinda like carrots.

Lots of fun but very time consuming. I spent about 3 hours just icing them! But in the end, I think they came out great.


  1. These biscuits look so cute Ronna...what a fun recipe.

    Claire :}

  2. Brilliant! They are so cute. I can think of worse ways to spend 3 hours. :)

  3. Frosty bites to big one.

  4. Ronna - these are great! What did you use for the orange noses?

  5. Sarah: the noses are orange royal icing. I saved some before I watered it down for the backgrounds and coloured half black and half orange. Didn't need much.

  6. Looks really labour intensive, but such a fun result. What a great idea!
