Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Butterscotch Pie Lessons

My friend and neighbour Flora makes the best butterscotch pies in all the land. 
So my friend Peggi and I asked her to give us a lesson.

First we started with pie crusts.

We got step-by-step lessons on crimping edges.

Peggi wrote everything down as Flora demonstrated.

 Flora got busy at the stove, cooking up the butterscotch ambrosia 
that will end up being the centre of the pie..

She popped it into the pie...

 ...and topped it with luscious meringue.

And voila! An amazing butterscotch pie.

Then Peggi and I had a turn at making the pie under a watchful eye.

 While Peggi was busy at the stove....

I got busy on meringue detail. Our pie came our well and at the time I was sure I could make one myself. Time will tell. I'll keep ya posted.

Flora’s Butterscotch Pie
In a saucepan put 1 cup brown sugar, 2 large tablespoons flour, ½ tsp. salt.
Combine and add ¼ cup butter.
Put on stove on high stirring constantly.
Lower heat and stir till caramelized. Turn off heat and leave on burner.
Add 1 cup milk stirring well.
Separate 2 eggs (set aside whites), beat yolks and add to filling. Then add additional ¾ cup of milk.
Turn burner back on and stir. Will be very stiff at first. Stir till creamy and thick.
Pour into baked 9” pie crust.
Beat egg whites till stiff; add 1 T. sugar and continue beating till soft peaks form.
Top pie with meringue and bake 5-10 min. in 400F oven till edges are browned.

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