Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Of Cakes and Delivery

This cake was to be delivered to Hawkesbury, transferred in the parking lot of Tim Hortons and eventually delivered to Hudson, QC, where it would be a fun surprise for the bride- and groom-to-be at a bridal party lunch.

Just before the delivery, Richard noticed the cake delivery vehicle was sporting a flat tire. He changed the tire and we swapped cars so that the delivery would be smoother, using his car that had four real tires.

Other than getting a bit lost, our intrepid cake transporters met us at the Tim Hortons parking lot and we transferred the cake to their car where it was strapped into their back seat.

And the bride and groom were tickled with the cake since Jen calls Pat "Bear" and Pat calls Jen "Little Bear." And he asked her to marry him on the beach in Miami. The cake kinda said it all!


  1. I was wondering what the bears in bathing suits meant, glad the cake made it. Ha.

  2. One of the things I love about this cake is that it looks like you had so much fun making it. The heart in the "sand" is fab!

  3. What an ace cake!
    What a great blog really interesting and cakey!I love the Cornwall police cake caught my eye! Came from City Mouse/Country Mouse. Come over to see me sometime.

  4. Hey Ronna, this cake is adorable......

    Don't know how they could bear to cut into it......hehe...

    Glad Richard noticed the flat tyre before you headed off...

    Claire :}
