Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My visitor Jack

When I first spotted this little guy, about six years ago, he was a little vagrant...

...making his home in an old flower pot that I filled with blankets.

Now he's Jack, one of the most lovable and sweet creatures I've ever met. I'm lucky that his mum and dad let him stay with me when they go on vacation. He's always a welcome guest here at Calico Corners.


  1. He was such a cute kitten. What a lucky boy that you found him!

  2. You have rescued and found homes for so many lucky kitties. He looks to be a very contented pussy, happy to have a visit with best friend.

  3. Another happy ending. I count on these to get you through the sad ones. What a sweet face he has.

  4. Oh dear sweet Jack. It seems like a great friendship as developed here. :)

  5. He is so CUTE! ..and looks sweet as well.
