Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Simply Biscotti

In Ottawa last weekend, Richard and I were in Little Italy and noticed this little bakery.

Richard noticed this sign beside the door and thought it was cute. I love biscotti so figured why not? Let's check it out.

I just about passed out when we got in there. The display case was one of the most fabulous I had ever seen!

Yes, they had biscotti. The place was called Simply Biscotti after all. But, it was so much more.

In that showcase were delectable cannoli...

 ...lemon meringue tarts that looked like an artist made them..

 Almond and pear tarts...

 Coronets filled with vanilla and chocolate cream...

 Fruit tarts galore...

 These ones had fruit sitting in chocolate tarts!

These are covered with almond. What are they? I can't even remember, at this point. I was pretty weak in the knees by then.

 These lobster tails looked too good to be true. Look at those many perfect layers.

These were red velvet and chocolate with cream cheese frosting. By then Richard had passed me the smelling salts and I was coming back to my these I remember.

The workers were buzzing around making coffee. The place smelled simply wonderful. We were lucky to be there early before the crowds so I could take some good photos.

And to top it all off, one wall featured a huge selection of imported Easter chocolates. Be still my heart.

We each chose a pastry to take home. I wanted the almond pear tart; Richard chose the lemon meringue. We also bought 4 biscotti.

When we got home, we decided to split them so we got a taste of each. Pure heaven.
And the biscotti? Perfection!

If you're in Ottawa, make sure to visit Simply Biscotti. It's simply divine!
354 Preston Street, OttawaON  613-234-5336


  1. Okey dokey...I'm going to go there soon. Thanks for the heads up. Deb

  2. Do they deliver?

  3. They certainly don't seem to be "simply" biscotti! What tempting-looking yummies. How could you choose only one pastry each?

  4. Hey, I was in that place before it became simply biscotti. ALl the workmen used to go in there for sandwiches; I'm thinking they wanted to keep the clientele when they opened the new business. It looks FANTASTIC!

  5. Perfect outing on a lovely Spinglike day!

  6. Searching frantically for my passport and elasticed pants, hehe........

    Wow, what an amazing shop Ronna, your photos have my mouth watering.
    The lemon meringue looks spectacular. Bet it was a hard decision to make.....which cake to choose?

    I'm sure you'll be visiting again.

    Claire :}

  7. Note to sis: Let's go there (often) when I am back up your way (this summer?)

  8. And you didn't take me to Ottawa because?
