Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Maple Time

With all the warm weather lately, we're going to have a short maple syrup season this year. Ideally, it's supposed to be -5C at night and 5C during the day. This week we're in the double digits and no freezing at night.

This year my friends Peggi and Bill bought all the materials to tap their sugar bush and yesterday was their second boil of sap.

Peggi is careful that the syrup's temperature reaches 219F and then it's ready. Too soon and it's too runny and not sugary enough. Too late and it solidifies into candy.

It's time consuming and lots of time spent skimming, level checking and stoking the fire...

...and waiting for the syrup to be ready.

 But when it reaches that critical temperature, look out!

I got to be an official taste tester! Nothing like maple syrup, fresh from the evaporator.


  1. Their dog is obviously working hard. Don't you just love smell of the boiling sap. And the syrup is always wonderful.

  2. I am so pissed off that I"m too sick to be helping Eugene with this right now. I had a blast last year and there's nothing like drinking syrup right out of the evaporator!!

    Looks like you guys had a great time!

  3. I could almost smell the syrup as it boiled!
    Looks like a wonderful day!

  4. I tapped trees and boiled twice. Both times to candy which is ever so much better for someone who doesn't care for flapjacks...

  5. Mom & Dad It looks awesome!! XOXO Wish I was there! Can't wait to taste test myself!! Thanks Ronna for posting this!! Kathie :)
