Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Rolls

Over the weekend it was just about 0C, the snow was damp and the wind was howling.

 Perfect conditions for what are known as snow rolls.

They popped up all over the countryside. You couldn't help but notice them everywhere.

Also known as snowrollers, snow bales and snow doughnuts, this phenomenon requires a precise balance of air temperature, ice, snow, moisture and wind. They are essentially a wintry version of tumbleweed.

Kind of like Mother Nature was playing in the snow...

...or something like that.


  1. Ronna they are mouth is watering they look like snowy , white meringues, yum......

    Claire :}

  2. How cool! I've never seen those, and we have lots of snow right now.

  3. How can I get some snow rolls of my own?

  4. How lovely, I have never heard of these before.

  5. Really cool.. it does look like some spirit is out playing with the snow!
