Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock, the father of abstract expressionism would have turned 100 years old on January 28.
He was an amazing artist who led an interesting life. He died at the age of 44 in 1956.

I decided to celebrate his birthday by making cupcakes.
I went a little crazy with the icing.

Happy birthday Jackson!

How about abstract expressionism meets pop art?


  1. Man, he sure accomplished a lot in 44 years. I feel inadequate! LOVE the cupcakes, though.

  2. Only you would find a great and totally unique way to celebrate Jackson Pollack's birthday! He would be proud.

  3. What wonderful Pollock cupcakes. He would have loved them. Is that a Damien Hirst plate?

  4. I'm thinking Mondrian next. Maybe not too difficult!

  5. Pollack sure lived fast, loved hard and died young. Did you see the movie with Ed Harris some years ago? I can just see you zapping those cupcakes with abandon. Did Barb help? I see her influence there.

  6. Love the group of Pollock cupcakes together. A true homage!
    You are right Evelyn, that does look like a Damien Hirst plate!
