Wednesday, November 9, 2011


My Uncle Morris, my father's brother, died on Saturday afternoon. He was 83 and hadn't been well for sometime now.

My Aunt Minnie, my dad's sister, was 90 and feeling fine till a few months ago when she suffered a stroke. She passed away on Monday, two days after her brother. Sad week.


  1. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this, Ronna! I remember the pics of your Uncle Morris at that recent Bar Mitzvah. Hard to lose two loved ones so close together. :(

  2. I'm sorry to hear this, Ronna. Hugs to you. Deb

  3. My sympathies goes to all of you.
    90 and feeling fine till the last breath. That is great!
    You were very blessed to have Uncles and Aunts.
    Hugs to you, your sister and Larry too.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your losses, especially as they came so close together. I'm sure your aunt and uncle enjoyed the times they spent visiting with you over the years.

  5. I remember the photo of you dancing with your uncle at the Bar Mitzvah last summer. Sorry to hear of your losses.

  6. My condolences to you and your family. It is hard to lose two cherished family members so close together.

    I lost both my father and father-in-law within two months - was tough on my girls especially to lose both Grandpas in one winter.

  7. I'm so sorry Ronna. Sending you love.
