Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dem Bones

To mark November, Osteoporosis month, the Ottawa Chapter of Osteoporosis Canada launched a calendar that featured my illustrations.

My job was to create a cartoon character in the shape of a bone...

...doing all sorts of bone friendly activities.

And some unfriendly activities too. I was lucky enough to be working with Natalie who did the layout and coloured my illustrations. I'm craving a glass of milk now.

We even got a mention in The Glengarry News, alongside the baby born in the car and the largest potato grown in the county. Wowza!


  1. You did a great job, Ronna! Only you could make bones whimsical.

  2. And the naughty smoker/drinker bone always cracks me up!

  3. These are all just fabulous! Congratulations on a great job.

  4. Hey, how can I get my own copy of this lovely bones calendar?

  5. Fun project and the bone looks so friendly!

    But hey, where is the photo of the largest potato?

  6. Hey. You got your picture in the papers. That trumps car birth and largest potato!
    I like sardine misunderstood today!

  7. For anyone with osteoporosis (and that includes me), the calendar looks like a great way to bone up on the facts. I agree with Nat - the naughty smoker/drinker bone is hilarious.
