Monday, September 12, 2011

Zukes Galore!

A few years back, I put together a book for the Glengarry Pioneer Museum entitled Zukes Galore!

And this year I certainly had zukes aplenty. I made bottles of zucchini relish and zuke pickles.

I used them in salads...

...and stir-fries.

I baked 'em (this was a zucchini-corn casserole, recipe courtesy of Zukes Galore!)...

...grilled 'em on the bbq...

...and sauteed them with peppers and tomatoes.

Yesterday I tried lemon-zucchini cornmeal cookies, recipe from Martha Stewart. Really yummy. I'll post the recipe tomorrow.

As fall is moving in, the production of zucchini in my garden is waning. I'll miss 'em.


  1. I need to get me a copy of that book!

  2. Wow - Martha Stewart cookies. How tasteful can you get! Love all the pictures of the zukes - raw, cooked or whatever. Are you entering the zucchini contest this year at the Dunvegan fall fair? You usually win something!
