Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby Update!

I had been concerned since I evicted three baby squirrels from my house last week. They were sweet and friendly...a little too friendly. My biggest concern was if they found their mum or not. Well, I saw one of the little guys yesterday. He hung around 4 feet from me and curled up in a tin can under the barbecue. We shooed him away gently and off he ran into the barn. A few moments later I saw his mum (I think it was her) running on the roof toward the barn with an acorn in her mouth. I think the family is together again. Phew!


  1. Holy #$%^ those are cute! Even if you didn't see his mum the fact that they are still alive means they found her, babies don't survive long without their moms.

  2. Between Natalie's baby ducks and your baby squirrels, we are getting our quota of cuteness these days. So glad that the baby squirrels are alive and with their mom. Great pic!

  3. Ok, those are pretty cute but not as cute as.... hmmm....

    Ok, you win. Cutest thing I've seen this week. :)
