Thursday, July 7, 2011

Horse Parade

Last Sunday, Richard and I headed to Vankleek Hill for their annual horse parade that takes place the first Sunday in July.

I especially loved the horse in red stockings!

There were teeny horses...

...and huge ones.

Elegant critters...

...and strong beasts.

These blonde guys...

...were just gorgeous.

And this crazy gal was doing acrobatics on the back of a horse. Wowza!


  1. What beautiful horses. I really like the pic of the girl doing acrobatics on the back of the horse. Oh those wild and crazy country people!

  2. Hey Ronna, what a beautiful day for a parade.

    Some lovely horses, does the parade have historical connections?

    Was there someone at the end of the parade with a bucket and garden manure........

    Have a great weekend,

    Claire :}
