Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Barney and Percy

Richard saved Barney (tabby and white cat) from my barn four years ago. Percy (along with his sister Milly) showed up as tiny kittens in Richard's garden...

...and the two boys have become fast friends.

They spend much of their day hanging about...

...watching the day go by.

Until it's bath time. Then it's serious business.

Barney turned out to be a most lovable boy.

Percy is just plain silly and reminds me of a jaguar. I love them both to bits!


  1. They are both so pretty. Black cats stop me in my tracks not because of superstition but because of their magnificent beauty.

  2. Those kitties all have a great life with Richard and you!

  3. Thanks for this update on Percy! I remember when Richard took the kittens in, how tiny and helpless they were. It's great to see Percy is thriving and happy. Bless you, Richard!
