Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Blooms

I can't believe that today is already the last day of June! The blooms of this month have come and gone so quickly, I haven't had time to blog about them. My mother's gorgeous Japanese flowering crab is at its greatest beauty for three or four days at the end of May/beginning of June.

The peonies bloomed and died so quickly this year I barely had a chance to enjoy them.

These tiger lilies are somewhere between a red and dark orange. The great thing about these blooms is that they last quite a while...unless it gets too hot for too long.

Speaking of lilies, I shot these waterlilies at Mill Pond in Alexandria during a drizzle. I did a project on waterlilies once in elementary school because I loved the fact they bloomed on water. It's not often that I've noticed two different kinds blooming side-by-side.

These amazing, crepe paper-like poppies only last a day or two. I especially love this variety that is a pale salmon pink. Very unusual.

You can always count on these dependable pansies. I planted them at the beginning of May and they'll still be flowering into the fall.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Inuit Soapstone Carving

I spied this piece of Inuit art in a second hand shop. His face is a little dented and believe it or not, when I found it, his head was painted bright red!

But with a little bit of paint stripper and a good rub, this seal is almost as good as new and has a happy home with me. Not bad for $3.99, eh?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Strawberry Time

Over the weekend, Richard and I went strawberry picking to a place that's about 10 minutes down the road.

It was a lovely day and the berries were plentiful.

In no time at all...

...Richard and I had picked our two baskets.

Pretty nice, eh?

Best of all was this particular barn cat, who looked like a minature version of Barney. She was very sweet and liked her head being scratched.

Speaking of sweet, so were the strawberry desserts I made with a quickly whipped up angel food cake, ice cream and fresh berries. Bring on summer!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kitty Cat Doodles

For last Saturday's artist trading card swap, I did a quick set of kitty cat doodles. Kinda fun.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Stewardship Council Cake

I made this cake for a dinner meeting for the Stewardship Council of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry. The goal of the Council is to work with private landowners to promote "sustainable resource management," through education and partnership.
The logo made of green fondant is on top with buttercream grass, candy rocks and flowers around the bottom. Inside is one layer or chocolate, the other vanilla with butter cream filling.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wild Morning Glories

Walking down the sidewalks of Alexandria, Ontario the other day, on my way to work, I noticed these wild morning glories in bloom growing in the cracks.

There are many articles on the web about how to get rid of these invasive plants. But a weed is just a plant growing in the wrong place, right? In this case, I think they look lovely.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lost and Found

I don't suppose that the person who found the cat would consider giving it to the person with the missing pet? A cat swap? Hmmm...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


What to do with those oversized satellite dishes that no one uses anymore? How about using it as a sign, in this case in a farmer's yard advertising eggs for sale. Pretty clever.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fishy Cake

I made this marble cake for 10-year-old Reid who likes to go fishing with his dad. Happy birthday Reid!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day without my dad...Miss you dad!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Oregon Gardens

On my first trip to Oregon in 2005 I bought various seed packages. The lupins have been incredibly successful. This is just one of the smaller gardens that features lupins. Over the years I have sowed lupin seeds in the middle of my mowed field and now have an ever expanding expanse of lupins.

Just last year I discovered the foliage of this poor columbine that was the only survivor of another seed package I got in Oregon. Last fall I transplanted it away from the overpowering lupins and it finally bloomed, for the first time, this week.

These plants too were seeds from Oregon. At first blush, I originally thought they were grass weeds and nearly pulled them all out. But then they started to bloom and I realized that they were an Oregon plant (the name escapes me). This stuff is spreading all over the place and I've already shared much of it with happy neighbours. Love my little piece of Oregon in eastern Ontario!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amazing Rainbow

I was taking out the compost the other evening on a lovely sunny day and gasped when I saw this perfect rainbow.

I ran in and got my camera. I liked this angle because it looks almost like my lupin garden is at the end of the rainbow. At least in my mind's eye.

The rainbow was so incredibly huge that you could almost see the full arc of it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

More Birthday Celebrations

You only have one birthday a year, so why only celebrate it once? A few friends came over and made me a cake!

Chocolate cheesecake on chocolate crumbs with fresh raspberries. Wowza!

Hurry up and cut it was the call.

Meanwhile Natalie got into the wine and tried on my golf club cover. Oh yeah, it was a happy birthday!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Art Fayre a Success!

Art Fayre at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum took place mostly inside the log cabin lodge. Cool spot.

I was pleased that my three drawings got sold. Let's take a quick tour together:

There were 14 local artists exhibiting. Here are a few of Natalie Rowe's terrific hooked rugs...

And Fran Bailey's delicious watercolours...

Evlyn Fortier's delicate pastels and dynamic paintings...

...and Aino Lutter's still lifes beside John Sims's horses.

Outside there was more action. Our friend Gavin brought his new Bernese Mountain dog puppy.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Art Fayre Cupcakes

I've been so busy with this past weekend's Art Fayre at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum. Saturday was a busy one with lots of visitors. Sunday was artist demo day. Needless to say, there was lots to be done. Photos tomorrow!
In the meantime, all artists were asked to bring something for the vernissage table. I made red velvet Art Fayre cupcakes, with edible coloured pencils!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

In the midst of a very hot day at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum and hanging Art Fayre, we stopped for lunch on the porch.

Since it was almost my birthday, the gals got together and made me a cake -- Barb's delicious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Yum!

Very colourful and fun!

It was hot but I still had enough hot air to blow out the candles.

Happy birthday to me! June 10th has always been my favourite day of the year.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Art Fayre 2011

These robin babies were getting pretty big and the next day, flew the coop.

Inspired by natre, I drew these tiny baby robins with colour pencil.

These little cuties too.

And a nest, although not a robin's nest, some other birdy's eggs.

These three drawings are part of an exhibit, along with 13 other artists, at the fifth annual Art Fayre at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum this weekend. Sure hope you can make it out and see some great art.