Friday, June 17, 2011

My Oregon Gardens

On my first trip to Oregon in 2005 I bought various seed packages. The lupins have been incredibly successful. This is just one of the smaller gardens that features lupins. Over the years I have sowed lupin seeds in the middle of my mowed field and now have an ever expanding expanse of lupins.

Just last year I discovered the foliage of this poor columbine that was the only survivor of another seed package I got in Oregon. Last fall I transplanted it away from the overpowering lupins and it finally bloomed, for the first time, this week.

These plants too were seeds from Oregon. At first blush, I originally thought they were grass weeds and nearly pulled them all out. But then they started to bloom and I realized that they were an Oregon plant (the name escapes me). This stuff is spreading all over the place and I've already shared much of it with happy neighbours. Love my little piece of Oregon in eastern Ontario!


  1. Your lupines are so gorgeous. Glad I got to see them in person!

  2. Hi ronna, they are spiderwort, my favourite sun/shade perrenial as they give you a flower a day all summer. I think the plant looks like one in a Chinese brush painting. Olive

  3. And I'm so glad we got to enjoy them at Art Fayre. "Your lupines or your life!"
