Thursday, June 9, 2011

Art Fayre 2011

These robin babies were getting pretty big and the next day, flew the coop.

Inspired by natre, I drew these tiny baby robins with colour pencil.

These little cuties too.

And a nest, although not a robin's nest, some other birdy's eggs.

These three drawings are part of an exhibit, along with 13 other artists, at the fifth annual Art Fayre at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum this weekend. Sure hope you can make it out and see some great art.


  1. OK, I would totally buy those. Those are auction-worthy. I need to plan a trip for next year's Fayre.

  2. I was hoping to get there but will have to pass this year as John's wedding is the same day. Next time! Love your bird drawings. Good luck on Saturday, Ronna.

  3. Your drawings are much prettier than the real robin babies who are quite homely when young but get better as they grow up.

  4. It is great to get a sneak preview of your drawings for Art Fayre. Now I am really, really looking forward to Saturday.

  5. The babies are adorable and your drawings are great, as always!!

  6. And a robin is singing outside my window as I type!

  7. Wonderful to see the inspiration for your fabulous drawings!
