Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Taste for Spring

With the warmer weather, the asparagus is starting to poke its head out of the ground.

And in the woods, the fiddleheads are appearing too.

We headed out amidst the blackflies (they're out too!) and picked some fiddleheads for supper.

Back inside, I stirfried them with some sugar snap peas...

...while outside, Richard barbecued some lamb sausages to mark our first bbq of the season.



  1. Yah! BarBQ season is here.

  2. Yum-o! We have oven fries last night too, but sadly no fiddleheads.

  3. I'll have what she's having.

  4. My invite to dinner must have gotten lost in the mail...

  5. Gee, it seems that the Canadian mail service has also declined. My invitation did not arrive either.

  6. Yum, looks delish.

    Ronna, what do Fiddleheads taste like, they look very interesting.

    Definitely not BBQ weather here. It was a chilly 11 deg here today, got the wood heater and wood stove cranked up.

    Hope you are enjoying some lovely Spring weather.

    Claire :}

  7. I love fiddleheads - one of the real treats of spring. You are so lucky you can pick your own. They look great.
