Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Backyard Birding

I loved birding and was thrilled to see my name mentioned in last weekend's bird column in the Ottawa Citizen.

Although the article says that this was my first time seeing these birds, actually, rose-breasted grosbeaks appear here every year, like clockwork. Lucky me.

Other spring visitors are the white-crowned sparrows who like to scratch for food on the ground.

Lovely coloured birds this time of year! The purple finches are showy...

...and the American goldfinches, who I feed all winter, go from a dull olive colour to canary yellow. Wowee!


  1. Love these! We have some white-throated sparrows mingling with the white-crowned ones. I love their "racing stripes."

  2. Beautiful photos. The colour of the purple finch is amazing.

  3. What a wonderful variety of birdlife in your part of the world Ronna, lovely photos.

    Would love to look out my window and see some of them in my backyard.

    Claire :}

  4. Congratulations on the mention in the local paper. That's always exciting.
