Thursday, March 3, 2011

Winter Into Spring

Richard and I took a walk into the woods on the weekend.

Seems that nature is ready for spring. Buds on the trees...

...and the pussywillows are out!

I love seeing Mother Nature doing artwork in the snow.


  1. Inspired by you, I went looking for pussywillows on Tuesday. Success!
    Love the Mother Nature art, too.

  2. Spring is on it's way...we don't have any buds yet but there is no snow either... so maybe, just maybe spring is going to peek out anytime here. Have a nice day!

  3. Hey Ronna beautiful pics, can't believe how different our 'worlds' are. You certainly have severe Winters in comparison to ours. Can't imagine what it would be like to deal with and live with all that snow.
    No wonder you are all looking forward to Spring.

    Claire :}
