Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dragonfruit Inspiration

A pleasant discovery at the local grocery store. After reading in Natalie's blog post about dragonfruit...

...I decided to give it a try as well.

Really yummy. Very refreshing, tasting a little like kiwi fruit.

But before we cut it in half and ate it, I had to draw it, right?


  1. Excellent! I have never tried one... can you do other things with the fruit besides eating it straight like that?

  2. LOVE your illustration!
    Must try dragon fruit someday.

  3. Fantastic drawing! I really need to try this!

  4. That's a really neat drawing you did....I'm going to have to try a dragonfruit, not sure if I can get one here but it looks good... :o)

  5. You couldn't invent something like this, could you? The drawing is fabulous of your best.
