Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Robbie Burns Day

At the Robbie Burns Day party on Saturday night there were all manners of Scottish things...men in kilts...


...and the poem that goes with it.

I got into the spirit with a wee bit of tartan.

Dessert was sticky raspberry steamed pudding and my tartan cupcakes...

...which matched one of the kilts just perfectly!


  1. Very neat post! I never knew what haggis was..the sticky raspberry pudding looks yummy. I read the post you did about Garrets popcorn, isn't that just the best popcorn ever?! I was born in chicago and worked downtown, I would always get popcorn for lunch! now, I have to order it and have it sent which is really expensive... but SOOOO worth every penny! Have a super day! :o)

  2. Garrett's is the best! I don't think they'd send it to Canada though.
    The sticky pudding was yummy. Even the haggis was good!

  3. The haggis looks disgusting, tbh.

  4. Actually, the haggis was yummy!
