Monday, January 31, 2011

Robbie Burns Day Cupcakes

Elisabeth helped art direct a set of cupcakes for Robbie Burns Day.

I bought shiny gold cups to tart them up a bit.

In the end, they were pretty darn colourful.

The cupcake girls were pretty happy with the final product.

I even got to try the "food" setting on my camera. Cool!


  1. They look absolutely fabulous... and so do the cupcake twins! xoxo

  2. All I would need is a good dram to go with me cupcake.

  3. You rock, Ronna. These are fabulous.

  4. Not only did they look fabulous but they tasted great, too. Sure beat the deep-fried Mars bars I was planning to serve.

    Steve's kilted knee looks pretty good, too. Did you check waht he was wearing under the kilt?

