Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Helloooo Out There...

This picture makes it look like we live in the boonies or something. Hey, wait a minute. We do! Wet snow loves to stick to satellite dishes and when TV signals are interrupted, something must be done. I used my mother's bamboo pole with a rag tied onto the end of it -- she used to dust the ceiling with it -- and sent Richard up a ladder. It worked!


  1. Gee.. I thought Richard was communicating with the extra terrestrials....

  2. Good thing you still have that bamboo pole, and Richard too. Yup, the boonies have their own special quirks. :)

  3. You have to find creative solutions living in the country.
    Love it!
    (Thank Goodness, you had that bamboo pole, otherwise you would miss Survivor!)

  4. Isn't there someone you can hire to do that?

  5. The intrepid Ricardo! Excellent photo.

  6. Don't you hate when that happens...I send my husband out with the broom. LOL!

  7. You need a longer bamboo stick. What's in the picture is not safe. A friend of mine fell off a ladder two years ago and the injuries were horrible--9 months to recover. Sorry to be serious, but you need a longer stick.
