Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Full Snow Moon

Last Friday night was the Full Snow Moon. It was clear and cold so I decided to take my new camera out for a spin.

If you steadied yourself -- in this case I leaned the camera on the roof of Richard's car -- you could take a not bad image of the moon.

Very pretty with the branches in front of it. Care to howl anyone?


  1. I especially like the second shot with the red sky and the branches.
    What a gorgeous night.

  2. AWWWWWWWWWWWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (you asked me to howl... anything for my sister!) xoxoxo

  3. Now that is a cool moon! looks like a moon from a scary movie...awesome shot. ;o)

  4. Brilliant pics, love the full moon.

    My son and i often go out and howl at the full moon, just for a giggle, sets off all the dogs across the valley.......

    Claire :}
