Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday Brunch

Can there be any meal better than a Sunday brunch? Yesterday, Richard and I were invited over to brunch with Julia and Richard. (Okay, two Richards--how can it be anything but fabulous, right?) We started with virgin mimosas: o.j. and Perrier with strawberry mash.

The breakfast sausages were purveyed at a butcher shop in Ottawa and the best I'd ever tasted.

The challah french toast was divine!

The extraordinary fruit cup was a combo of fresh mangoes, strawberries and blueberries topped with candied ginger in a lime syrup.

On top of the fruit, we dolloped a thick blackberry yogurt.

And Julia had just whipped up a batch of banana-walnut muffins which she made using ricotta cheese. Very moist and yummy!

Richard and I felt like we had walked into a TV episode on the Food Network. Every bite was amazing. Great food. Great conversation. I love Sunday brunch! Thanks Julia and Richard. When can we come back?


  1. Wow, fantastic brunch! And those sausages look suspiciously like the ones I had yesterday, from the nice butcher shop in Byward Market! I am hungry now...

  2. You're welcome back anytime guys! It was a lot of fun to put together for you!


  3. r1957_@hotmail.comMay 4, 2010 at 12:28 AM

    By the way, our beloved Hawks just evened the series!
    Bein oui, le repas était magnifique!
    Alas, that entry did not mention the wonderful repartee about international differences and similarities. But no doubt, this will be covered in a future blog.
    And I loved that dog!
