Friday, May 14, 2010

Café Connectionz

My friend Holly and I went to Cornwall the other day and we stopped at Café Connectionz for lunch. As it happens, my friend Christine was sitting outside in the sun having a cup of coffee. A pretty unassuming place from the outside...

...but inside it's full of tons of goodies.

The pastries looked incredible: cannolis...

...and date squares...

...and fudge, oh my!

What about these mini pecan tarts?

These mouse treats looked enticing. I wonder what was inside them? Mousse? (Ha!)

Holly settled on leek and potato soup. She says the soup at this place is the best in town.

I had a spinach quiche and salad. Good call. And the coffee was wonderful too. Next time, I think I'll try a pastry.

To see more about this place, here's the link:


  1. I have been meaning to stop in there! Thanks for the review!

  2. Went by here on the streetcar on Thursday night (it was so sloooooooow, we didn't get home until halfway through the second period) and thought of you:

  3. Thanks Dusty...I'll check it out.

  4. Num num num! What, no poutine?

  5. I am definitely going to have to stop reading your blog right before I go to bed because all I want to do is eat! (And eat a lot!)

  6. Sorry, I meant *Wednesday* night...last game of the series.
