Friday, March 12, 2010

Winter into Spring

The weather has been incredible these past few weeks so I decided to take a walk and see what's what.

The ice on the stream is breaking up and the water is running. I just love that sound.

The sun is melting everything but nothing is really green yet except moss atop an old stump.

The pussywillows are really starting to come on strong.

Last year's grasses are appearing from under the receding snow pack.

Say goodbye snow! See ya next year!

Another sure sign of spring? Tim Horton cups scattered everywhere along the roadside.


  1. Obviously the owner of the Tim's cup didn't win in the Roll Up. Too darn lazy to find a garbage bin. Wonder what their house looks like! :(

  2. Another sign of spring -- I have stopped wearing my boots when I walk to work. I notice that many people are shedding their winter clothing. They are wearing lighter jackets, no hats and no gloves. I even saw a guy wearing shorts and a t-shirt last week (but that's extreme - he was just being "macho").

  3. Spring is definitely in the air, isn't it? I'm guessing that Tim cup wasn't large enough to roll-up-the-rim-to-win, but how could someone ditch it?

  4. Ne too! Our ditch is full of Tim cups....can't stand those nasty litter bugs!

  5. So, the other day, I put my cuppa on top of the car along with a banana while I fished the keys out of my pocket. I got in the car and drove away. Somewhere, in a ditch, there's a cuppa and a banana. Maybe you just got a lot of old people around you...

  6. I need to get out my rubber boots and look for pussy willows. And I hate litterbugs!

  7. Our ditches are revealing a collection of plastic booze bottles as well as the Tim's. Guess our road has a lot of partying slobs. Still, it's good to go out without winter boots. I like your pic with the green wellie.
