Monday, March 15, 2010

Menagerie a Toi

On the weekend, Richard and I headed over to see Natalie and Gordon's menagerie.

Natalie is definitely the chicken whisperer.

I think if I come back to this earth, I want to be one of Natalie's hens and live in the Palais de Poulet. You get to sleep under a heat lamp...

...and play with a suspended, purple cabbage. Looks like fun!

Here's me giving calico Naomi a quick hug.

Naomi didn't seem to mind being passed around from arm to arm. Here's Gordon giving her a snuggle...

...and then Gordon snuggled the gecko.

Here's Natalie with the gentle giant dogs Tristan and Sophie. They're amazingly good with the hens.

More snuggling with big orange boy Julius.

And I can't forget to mention the lovely Alex, the three-legged tabby boy who was a perfect charmer. It was a great evening spending time with good friends and their two-and three-and four-legged buddies.


  1. Oh MY!! I feel like a superstar!! And what's really impressive is that you got a photo of every one of the pets, including Kartini (who had just finished shedding.)

    I really want to make a "Palais de poulet" sign for the coop. Love that.

    You guys were so fun to have visit!

  2. And do you like how Alex was staring at you in the last photo, silently willing you to FEED HIM?! "Feeeeed me, feeeeeeed me!"

  3. Enjoyed the post and have a feeling that spending time with Natalie and Gordon and all the gang would be nothing but FUN!

  4. A book suggestion for you and Natalie, one of my faves: "Louise, Adventures of a Chicken," by Kate diCamillo. Wonderful story, great illustrations, and a very lovely palais de poulet. If you love chickens, you will love this book.

  5. Oooh, the library has it and I put a hold on it! THank you!!

  6. I hope you love it, too!

  7. Loved this post.. Beautiful!...Chickens having a heat lamp!! Nice...I guess they need that in in Tennessee, they need air conditioning!!!

  8. Make me a Palais de poulet sign too!

  9. They only get heat in winter. :) And they are extremely spoiled.
