Monday, March 8, 2010

If You Go Into the Woods Today

We've had almost no winter in these parts this year and I'm not complaining. Spring has come about a month early and with temperatures close to 10C, whatever snow we had is going fast.

The old picnic table in the woods is still standing and with this weather, it was the perfect weekend to hold our second annual picnic in the woods. Last year there was tons of snow and it was much colder.

So, this year, we had poutine which I assembled in the woods. I brought hot-from-the-oven fries...

...which I topped with squeaky curds...

...and poured on hot gravy from a Thermos.

Perfection in the woods.

And hot, milky tea to end the meal. See ya next winter, picnic table!


  1. You do seem toastier than last year. No mitts!
    Great idea.

  2. Poutine in the woods. Has to be a first and only by you!

  3. I love that you even had tablecloths for your picnic al fresco.

  4. My mouth is watering. There is nothing so delicious as food eaten outside in the early spring.

  5. There's no "Tea" in pou-tea-ine"....Pass the Labatt's please....

  6. I love it! Hi there from a fellow blogger in the Glengarry region (are there more of us?). I love the idea of a poutine picnic! I might suprise my family by pulling that little trick out of my hat one winter's day next year... (or dare I wish for an end of season snowstorm just to enjoy it? LOL!).

    Blessings to you!
