Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hockey Night in Ottawa

Last night Richard and I headed up to Ottawa to see a hockey game.

Richard's beloved Chicago Blackhawks were making a rare appearance here so we just had to see them in action. My cousins Saul and Cindy gave up a pair of their season's tickets so we could go.

Fantastic seats! You could see all the action.

Unfortunately for the 'Hawks fans, most of the action was thanks to the Sens.

I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan so I cheered both sides! Chicago lost
4-1 but Richard was still cheering his team on right to the end.

And, we even found a poutine to share. Perfect outing I'd say.


  1. You are right, Jack!
    And the arena had no energy!
    The Hawks, the best in the league, took it easy on the Sens.
