Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birthday in Snow and Fire

My friend Vlasta celebrated his 60th birthday over the weekend with a big outdoor bash.

His wife Susan is a talented sculptor and she made a gigantic fire with a sort of snow sculpture bench around it, complete with flags on tall wooden sticks outside the circle.

It was a round bench seat, surrounded by igloo-like ice blocks.

We all sat or stood around the enourmous fire. It has been very warm this week and sitting outside in -1C temperatures and a roaring fire was almost like being down south. Er, well, sort of.

And chocolate birthday cake in the snow. What could be better? Happy birthday Vlasta!


  1. Wow! If that great fire wasn't enough to warm your heart, having so many friends turn out to help you celebrate your birthday outdoors in the middle of January certainly would do the trick. Love the seating! Did you make the birthday boy's cake?

  2. Yum, that chocolate cake looks good. What a wonderful birthday celebration.

  3. Nope, Paula it wasn't my cake!

  4. With the right clothing, sleeping bag or something to sit on, this would have been a good party.

  5. I could tell it wasn't Ronna's cake. No poutine or meatballs!

    What a great party. I love the snow structure!

  6. You make the cake?

  7. What an amazing environment your friend created for her husband's birthday. Maybe they could have gone south for his 60th, but there's something very cool (literally) about working with what you have and making it special.
