Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Benny's on the Beach

As the first winter storm rages outside, I am warmed by the thoughts of brunch on the beach in Florida last month. We stayed with my oldest and dearest friend Roberta and her husband Phil and my request was "somewhere beachy and sunny" as a place to eat.

Benny's on the Beach in Lake Worth. It is such a popular joint that we had to wait for a table and had a coffee outside while we waited.

Once we were seated, I was stumped at what to order by their extensive menu...

...with tons of yummy omelettes and various benedicts.

Richard went for the omelette.

Phil ordered some other eggy dish with a side of bacon.

I stuck to my health guns and had a tuna salad. (I had a feeling there might be a good poutine in my future!)

Good food and good friends. Could there be anything better?

1 comment:

  1. You gals are as cute together as you were on Wolseley...
