Monday, November 2, 2009

Hallowe'en ATC Trade

Our monthly artist trading card swap fell on Hallowe'en this year. I traded a set I drew in a tiny sketch pad at the Bronze, Blues and Brews Festival a few years back when I was in Joseph, Oregon. I sketched a fabulous bronze statue of a horse.

Meanwhile other clever folks were more timely. Suzanne commented on the current H1N1 crisis and gave a jack-o-lantern a mask. All the tiny pumpkins on her ATCs had tiny masks as well. Now that's, as she said, "Scary!"

The cards were laid out on a long, wooden table so we could walk around and see the offerings.

Then the frenzy of the trade began.

The meet ended with themed cookies brought by Evlyn. It was a great trade. See ya again next month.

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