Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pond Life

In the town of Vankleek Hill, just 15 minutes north of me, the local Home Hardware store has a pond right outside its front door.

It's full of gorgeous waterlilies...

...and lots of colourful fishies.

These guys are really friendly.

Every time I leaned over to take a photo, they practically jumped out of the water.

I think this guy wanted to come home with me. Hmmm. I wish I had a pond!


  1. I had a beautiful pond when we lived in BC and I really miss it. We plan to put one in here eventually. What gorgeous fish photos!!

    I had some lovely big goldfish out west, but they were devoured by first a barred owl, then a raccoon!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous shots! I'm amazed that these fish, especially that golden koi, are still there.

  3. When ever I go to take a photo of my fish they are gonnnnnnnn. Great shots.
